In the journey of becoming a SAP Full-stack Fiori Developer, You must know the Fiori Launchpad concepts. SAP Fiori Launchpad is getting deprecated and lot more new simplifications are added with Further steps on SAP Fiori 3 journey, which includes Spaces with multiple pages in the SAP Fiori launchpad. Check the course page​We have included below new topic to the course since S/4HANA2020 UIVeri5 Tests, PDF generation, Extend CDS based Apps, Integration Cards Since the WebIDE is dead, Learn Latest VSCode for local development Build Fiori Apps and Deploy on Cloud Foundry with BTP using Business Application Studio Latest Launchpad Spaces and pages Concept with Fiori Security Learn Fiori Guided Tooling and Annotation Modeler Fiori on Cloud, Launchpad in SAP BTP Extensions using CDS, and Business App Studio End to End Deployment, Debugging using VS Code and BAS 

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